The “HTTP 404” or “Not Found” page is a standard response message of HTTP status code, and it is also one of the most common network errors. It means the webpage has been deleted, moved, or never exists, and the server cannot provide information.
What is HTTP 404?
The “HTTP 404” or “Not Found” page is a standard response message of HTTP status code, and it is also one of the most common network errors. It means the webpage has been deleted, moved, or never exists, and the server cannot provide information. The first “4” of the code 404 represents the visitor’s error, such as wrong URL; the last two digits represent the specific error message.

What is HTTP status code
Upon browsing the web that starts with HTTP, the server responses to specific requests. The HTTP status code indicates whether the request has been completed. Responses are divided into five categories, the following are the most common examples:
100-199 Information response
100- Continue
101-Switch communication protocol
200-299 Successful response
200- Client request is successful
201- Established
300-399 Redirect message
300-More than one response, and user should choose one of them
301-The requested webpage has permanently changed its URL
400-499 Client error response
400-Bad request.
403-The client has no access rights.
404-The server could not find the requested resource. The most well-known “404-Not Found”.
500-599 Server-side error response
500-An unknown or unhandled error occurred on the server
504-Gateway timeout
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