Cyber-bullying refers to deliberately and repeatedly offending or causing nuisance that involves
Cyber-bullying refers to deliberately and repeatedly offending or causing nuisance that involves the use of images, voice or text messages sent to social media, discussion forums, instant communication software, email, online gaming platforms. Behaviour of cyber-bullying includes denigration, exclusion, intimidation, blackmail, impersonation, sending out fake messages, doxing, sharing or re-editing the photos of victims, solicitation for sex and etc.
Persons of any ages may become the victims of cyber-bullying.
In view of fast and wide dissemination of malicious messages on the Internet, there is no way to completely remove the information disclosed online. Thus, harm resulted from cyber-bullying can be permanent.
The majority of current laws are also applicable to cyberspace. The bullies may commit offences, including:
- criminal intimidation
- blackmail
- sending message by telephone which is offensive
- offences for disclosing personal data without consent
- offences of a sexual nature (e.g. disseminating obscene and indecent articles, procuring another person by threats to do an unlawful sexual act, has in his possession any child pornography and etc.)

Some people obtain gratification by cyber-bullying or doxing inconsiderately, such behaviours cannot be condoned. If you find or you are the victim of cyber-bullying, children should seek help from parents, teachers or adults that they can trust.
Here are some tips when facing cyber-bullying:

Complain to the network service provider and request removal of contents

If you felt annoyed with the repetitive messages, you may use the social network sites’ or instant communication software’s blocking feature to stop receiving the bullying messages

If the cyber-bullying activities involve wrongful disclosure of personal data, a complaint may be lodged with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data

If the cyber-bullying activities carries criminal element, you may report to the Police
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